Monday, August 18, 2008

No Love in the Elevator

Limited space in areas like New York, Chicago or Beijing requires cities to build upwards, where in the Southwest our cities grow horizontally. The way the big cities are built is one of the reasons why I could never picture myself living in New York. I am bothered by what is a fact of life for those living in the city: elevators.

I am not afraid of heights. Nor am I claustrophobic. The reason elevators bother me is people don’t know how to properly board an elevator. (Can you board an elevator?) It’s rather simple-before people get on an elevator, the people on the elevator need to get off. Repeat--people get off, then people get on. It would seem this would be self evident however, some people, like mommies with strollers, think this common sense rule does not apply to them.

Mommies who get onto elevators have more than just a stroller with them. Accompanying them is a) another kid, about three years old who walks like he drank a bottle of Beam, b) bags adorning each of the handle bars of the stroller c) a large purse and d) a diaper bag holding every item she received at her baby shower. Once she gets in the elevator she then has to turn the stroller around so she can easily push the stroller out when she is getting off. This is when those still on the elevator start to mutter “excuse me” and “sorry”, awkwardly maneuver around said obstacles and walk away sighing. While all of this is going on, the mother is completely oblivious to the speed bump she has just caused to elevator traffic.

In all fairness, I’m not picking on mommies because I know there are other offenders out there. The just plain stupid always come out to represent their kind. I do have to hold the rest of us accountable for our role in this chaos. We need to start saying no more! If enough of us put our foot down, maybe we would stop getting our feet stomped on. Hold your heads high, puff out your chest and yell “I’m getting off! I’m getting off!“ Then let me know what happens.